What if it does not work?
What is this is another deception?
He will bring it back to his city and there
Test it on an old man before he uses it on himself
Doomed man
You can do nothing to escape your fate
For while you sleep a snake eats the plant
(And this is the reason it sheds its skin)
And leaves you in your desolation to cry out
For whom have I laboured?
For whom have I journeyed?
For whom have I suffered?
I have gained absolutely nothing for myself,
I have only profited the snake, the ground lion!
So stand where he stands at the journeys end
Outside his own city where all began
Where carved in stone is the story you have followed
To this beginning
There are stories
Beginnings before the beginnings
Ends that do not end their implications
And I have told you this one
This will endure, this will endure
This will never end
