
Gilgamesh Page 7


By Martin Burke

This is a mistake that a price will have to be paid for
And so, in the words of the poet, Ishtar calls aloud to the sky-god Anu-

Father, let me have the Bull of Heaven
To kill Gilgamesh and his city.
For if you do not grant me the Bull of Heaven,
I will pull down the Gates of Hell itself,
Crush the doorposts and flatten the door,
And I will let the dead leave
And let the dead roam the earth
And they shall eat the living.
The dead will overwhelm all the living!

Anu agrees and the gift is given
And a terrible desolation comes into the world
The underworld opens
The living are cast in
The people call on king and god to help them

Again a battle
Again the king and his friend against a terrible enemy
Again a victory
But again the beginning of an end they do not foresee

Enkidu falls ill
Dreams trouble the compound of his restless sleep
His is the price that gods have decided that must be paid
For the death of the bull of heaven
As through the horror and the haze he sees the house of the dead

The house where the dead dwell in total darkness,
Where they drink dirt and eat stone,
Where they wear feathers like birds,
Where no light ever invades their everlasting darkness,
Where the door and the lock of Hell is coated with thick dust.

Then sorrow, then weeping

Lamentations over the great city

The king in mourning and the people at prayer
And he builds a monument to his friend
This is what it has come to

But it comes to this also-
Gilgamesh aware that he must also die
That two parts god is not enough
That all things will end and that he will end with them
Yes, death will come and he will go with it



Gilgamesh Page 7


Gilgamesh-Copyright © 2006 by Martin Burke

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